The Value of a Sales Education


Everyone has that one manager or teacher who offered them a piece of knowledge that has stuck with them throughout life. I still remember when I first started in sales, my manager gave me some words of advice that I continue to carry with me 15 years later. “Believe in people’s actions, not their words.” Such a simple, but impactful statement has helped me navigate both my personal and professional relationships.

I still remember all of the valuable advice I received throughout the years that shaped me into the Outsourced Sales Manager I am today. Now, I have the honor of sharing this knowledge with my clients to make them better sales professionals.



At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we believe in the value of a sales education. Our clients are typically highly intelligent experts in their industry, whether it be accounting, IT, law, insurance—you name it! The problem is that most of these professionals have at least 4 years of higher education (and the student debt associated with it), yet never received a single lesson regarding sales.  We understand that sales can be daunting, especially if you have no background in sales or business, or if your company does not have a sales process to follow. As a subject matter expert, you are expected to build a book of business while learning on the go, placing your faith in the idea that eventually everything will work itself out and you will find success.

We don’t believe in leaving sales to chance. We know the power of creating a proven & repeatable sales process, and the value of providing a sales education for our clients.  

Although our sales management services differ from traditional sales training, our goal is to leave our clients better off when our engagement comes to a close. We provide value that extends well beyond our actual time interacting with our clients. Our clients walk away thinking like rainmakers. They take what we create and teach, and use it well beyond our time together.



We work with you to create a proven & repeatable sales process that aligns with your company and its values. Then, we train your team of service professionals to use the sales process effectively. Our client engagements are on average 3 months long, so we give you the tools and knowledge necessary for your team to be successful long beyond our engagement.

When our engagement comes to a close, your team will have the ability to think in the mindset of a salesperson. They will know how to use the proven & repeatable sales process to find and close business with your ideal client.

In the end, we want you and your team of service professionals to walk away with the knowledge that you will carry with you forever.

If you have questions about outsourced sales management, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at For ¼ of the cost of an in-house sales manager, we create a proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to the core values of your organization.