How to Turn Your Service Professionals Into Rainmakers

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As a professional service firm, you are confident in your expertise. You know that your service professionals are smart, capable, and experienced–you hired them after all! However, you may find it difficult to turn your service professionals into rainmakers.

Like many professional service firms, you probably have a handful of people who bring in the bulk of the business and are struggling to get the others up to speed. The people falling behind most likely prefer to do the work rather than bring it in. And chances are, they are not confident in their selling abilities and find the entire selling process to be uncomfortable. 

Sound familiar? You are not alone.

The key to turning all of your service professionals into rainmakers is to create a proven & repeatable sales process for your team to follow. You need to close the gap that exists between the top performers and the workhorses. And to do so, you need to develop a sales process that is easy to follow and foolproof, so even a new hire can pick it up within a matter of days of onboarding.


The Proven & Repeatable Sales Process

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we help translate and improve your sales process so it is proven & repeatable. We can work with your top-selling service professionals to write out their processes and use their most effective tactics to develop a sales process that your team can use to duplicate their efforts. Imagine—you can instill their habits and techniques into the rest of your team!

To begin, we perform a Sales Best Practices Assessment. As an objective 3rd-party, we then provide expert advice on how to improve your sales process. We benchmark your sales process, people, and practices against top-performing organizations. And we review the corporate sales and business development plan to develop your strengths and a unified vision to help you establish a culture, easing reinforcement by management. No contracts, no obligations, just unbiased feedback.    

Once this assessment is complete, we meet with your rainmakers to learn about their sales processes. We use their sales processes as a roadmap to create a proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to your core values and organization. This proven & repeatable sales process will be defined for your entire team to use and refer to when meeting a new prospect or nurturing a lead.

Finally, we reinforce your methodologies and coach your team to use this sales process effectively. During this step, your service professionals will learn the steps of the sales process and how to use them in the real world. We work out any kinks and ensure they do not have any lingering questions or concerns.

In the end, your service professionals will have a proven & repeatable sales process to follow. They will no longer feel lost in the selling process. They will know exactly how to convey their expertise confidently, comfortably, and effectively. And they will begin to close more deals than they ever have before. 

Not only this, but you will finally experience the freedom of knowing your team has the tools and procedures in place to grow your business—without the need of your assistance. Now you can focus on what you do best and let your team bring in new business.

If you have questions about outsourced sales management, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at We help executives regain independence through a proven & repeatable sales process.