Identifying Your Ideal Client Profile

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Many professional services firms make the mistake of not defining their ideal client profile while trying to grow their business. And many firms that succeed in identifying their ideal client profile fail to grow because their service professionals are not using this profile uniformly. In both cases, the firms are missing out on the value that can be gained from identifying and using an ideal client profile.

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we emphasize the importance of identifying the characteristics of your ideal client profile and ensuring this profile is used consistently across the firm. Using an ideal client profile and applying it consistently will help add value for your clients and help you grow your business.


Your Ideal Client Profile

An ideal client profile is what your “dream” client would look like—their industry, location, size, etc. Some people believe that any client is a dream client while trying to grow their business, but casting a wide net creates more problems than it does solutions. Defining and recognizing the characteristics of your ideal client is like establishing a clear target. The farther someone is from the bullseye, the easier it will be to move on to the next prospect. The closer someone is to the bullseye, the more time you can invest in trying to convert them from a lead to a client.

You can also determine your ideal client profile by looking at successful client engagements. Do these clients represent the client you consistently want to be working with? What characteristics do they have that you want your future clients to have? Through conversations with current and past clients, your service professionals, and prospects, you will be able to define a clear list of characteristics that make up your ideal client profile.


Benefits of Identifying Your Ideal Client Profile

Using an ideal client profile will improve your consistency and messaging when working with prospects. Since you know who your ideal client is, you will be more knowledgeable and well-versed in their strengths, challenges, and market. As a result, you can become a trusted resource for them. While each approach should be custom, you can save time, money, and resources by standardizing as much as possible with a consistent client profile.

By using an ideal client profile, you can also get to know their pain points and what is keeping them up at night. The lessons learned from one client engagement will translate to proactive behavior with other clients, tackling those pain points before they are even voiced. Knowing those pain points will also help you identify exactly why your service can add value to their business.

All of this ultimately translates to greater client satisfaction. With greater client satisfaction, your clients are more likely to become advocates and better referrals for your business. Happy clients that match your ideal profile will improve your chances of getting repeatable, scalable business.


Benefits of Your Firm Knowing Your Ideal Client Profile

The benefits that your firm can gain by using an ideal client profile will be lost if it is not uniformly applied by all of your service professionals. Having clarity and consistency in all processes is essential for client satisfaction, and using the ideal client profile is no different. If this profile is not used consistently by your service professionals, you risk straying away from the profile you have worked so hard to define and cater to.  

Your service professionals will also have more clarity. They will be able to more easily follow your proven & repeatable sales process when that process is applied to the same client profile over and over again. This profile will also enable your service professionals to be more efficient. With this level of clarity and efficiency, you will be able to onboard more easily and your employee retention will improve because they have a better idea of what they are doing.  

All in all, an ideal client profile will lead to clarity and consistency in your proven & repeatable sales process. There are a number of benefits that using an ideal client profile can provide, but the most important of all is greater client satisfaction.

If you have questions about Outsourced Sales Management, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at Our top priority is to provide value for your business, which is why we provide 30-day partnerships instead of binding contracts.  

Jesse Mahle