How Sales Management Tackles “The Great Resignation”

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a lot of change, but most businesses did not expect “The Great Resignation” to be one of them. “The Great Resignation,” as coined by management professor Anthony Klotz, is the phenomenon the business world is currently experiencing, where employees are quitting their jobs at extraordinarily high numbers in replace of jobs with better work-life balance.

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Causes of “The Great Resignation”

Most experts agree that the ability of professional and office employees to work remotely from home (or wherever they have access to an internet connection) has shifted their mindset over the course of the pandemic. Employees who got to work part or full-time remotely now value their time differently. Simply just the thought of returning to the office from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm sounds crazy to them. Let alone, tacking on a commute that takes up an hour or more of their daily routine.

As Klotz said, "How we spent our time before the pandemic may not be how we want to spend our time after.”

Traditionally, people have been drawn to jobs that offer good pay, benefits, and the ability to work up the ranks to better positions within the company. Now, many people want jobs that offer more flexibility, the ability to work remotely and maintain a more balanced lifestyle. And when they do not believe they have that with their current job, they start applying to new ones.

The job market is booming as employees continue to shift companies, making it easier than ever for them to make a change. It is an employee’s market and companies need to make changes if they want to continue to thrive.


Employee Resignations & Company Culture

Before we dive into how sales management tackles employee resignations, it is important to note that unless you address your company’s culture, you are likely to fall victim to “The Great Resignation”. After all, people are leaving their jobs in search of a happier work environment, where employees are treated more like the humans they are.

We encourage you to take a close look at your work policies, how they may have shifted during the pandemic, and what changes you can feasibly make to retain your employees. Consider surveying your employees to determine what changes will satisfy them as we move into this new business era. Just make sure you can execute on the presented options.


How Sales Management Tackles Employee Resignations

Your sales process and how you manage your sales team can make a significant difference in both employee satisfaction and retention. We have seen companies with poor sales management experience turnover at alarming rates, only to see a complete switch once they learned how to properly execute a sales process and manage a team.

From a sales or service professional’s perspective, companies with a proven & repeatable sales process make their lives a whole lot easier. They have a roadmap to guide them as they bring a prospect through the process to eventually become a client. This is especially important for service professionals like lawyers, IT professionals, and insurance brokers, who typically do not have sales—or even business—backgrounds. The addition of proper sales management brings organization and efficiency into the mix. Your team will feel secure knowing that they are managed effectively.


Our Sales Management Process

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we analyze your current sales process and benchmark it against top-performing organizations. We review your corporate sales and business development plans to determine strengths and develop a unified vision. We also help establish the culture and ease reinforcement by management. Then, we work with you and your team to create a proven & repeatable sales process that not only drives growth but retains top talent. In the end, your team will feel confident and prepared to take on new prospects. And you will save money on recruitment by not having to replace quality professionals.

If you have questions about Outsourced Sales Management, we are here to help, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at For ¼ of the cost of an in-house sales manager, we create a proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to the core values of your organization.  

Sales ManagementJesse Mahle