The Secret to Regaining Independence as an Executive

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Picture this: You are an executive, spending hours each week on managing your service professionals. You are checking that they are hitting every step of the sales process—following up on leads, meeting with prospects, nurturing those prospects, closing sales, the works. All of these tasks need to be done, but you dream of a world where you are not the one that needs to do them. You dream of having more independence. With more independence, you could spend more time focusing on your core business. You could improve your work-life balance.

Does this sound too good to be true? The secret is it does not have to be.

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we help you create and implement a proven & repeatable sales process, so you can gain the confidence and independence you need to focus on what you do best as an executive. By implementing a process and training your service professionals to adhere to it, you will get essential time back in your schedule.


Executives as the De Facto Sales Manager

In small businesses, the owner or an executive often doubles as the sales manager. Sales management is typically a full-time role at larger firms and can take up a great deal of time. When you do not have an in-house sales manager, sales management is often prioritized above other tasks due to the need and desire to land more clients and grow your business. While sales management is essential, too much time spent on this can eat into the time that you should be spending on your core business.


The Proven & Repeatable Sales Process

Executives can regain independence by ensuring their service professionals have a proven & repeatable sales process in place to follow. This process should entail a set number of specific steps that encompass the end-to-end sales process that is unique to the industry and business. A defined process leaves little room for error or interpretation on what actions your professionals should be taking and when. With all service professionals consistently following a proven & repeatable sales process, executives can feel confident that their goals will be accomplished.

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we create a proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to your core values and organization for ¼ of the cost of an in-house sales manager.  


Training Your Service Professionals

Once a proven & repeatable sales process is established, the next step is providing proper training on this process for all service professionals. Your service professionals should know what each step entails, how long each step takes, and what their goals are throughout the entire process.

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we train your service professionals to use your custom, proven & repeatable sales process. Throughout this training, we will help your service professionals identify your ideal client profile and how to incorporate your firm’s unique selling proposition. As an objective 3rd-party, we reinforce your methodologies and coach your team to use this sales process effectively.  


The Results

Once your service professionals are trained and fully understand your proven & repeatable sales process, they will be more self-sufficient in their roles. Their confidence will improve and they will feel more empowered to bring on new clients. Ultimately, you will be able to take a step back from sales management. 

The key to regaining your independence as an executive is to step back and let the proven & repeatable sales process do the work. With the process in place, you can finally use your time to focus on the work you do best.  

If you are an executive that is handling sales management on top of everything else in your business, we are here to help. Call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at