Customize Your Sales Process to Your Current Team

Many businesses find it challenging to develop a proven & repeatable sales process that continuously drives growth. Even fewer businesses can customize their sales process to address client needs, while also maximizing the attributes of their team. How do you adapt your process to not just maintain the status quo, but to push the needle even further? This is where we can help.

Sebastian Lane Consulting understands the importance of equipping service professionals with the proper resources to successfully reach and exceed sales goals. Our team can identify areas of your existing business development plan that can be customized to your team and clients.

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Your sales process should not be cookie cutter. Instead, it should be designed to meet the needs of your business, service professionals, and clients.

A customized sales process:

  • Identifies and addresses your client’s pain points

  • Places your service professionals in a position to succeed

  • Delivers proven & repeatable results

  • Increases buy-in from your team

  • Allows for flexibility within the framework

When developing your customized sales process, it is important to focus on: what the key steps of your sales cycle are; how you can alter your plan to best serve your clients; and what you can learn from your team and each opportunity.

Identify the Most Important Steps

If you only had eight hours to accomplish your most critical sales tasks, how would you spend that time? What if you only had eight minutes?

Begin by identifying the most important steps or tasks of your sales process. Our team can help you identify the key steps of your sales process and translate them into a list of tasks and milestones that should be completed at different stages of every deal. These critical steps will serve as the framework for each sales opportunity. How your service professionals operate within that framework can vary by person, but the results should be similar. By leveraging a “flexibility within a framework” model, you ensure your team is consistently hitting their mark while also facilitating buy-in from each service professional. By allowing for some natural flexibility within your sales process, you provide your team with an opportunity to customize their pitch to each client. Additionally, this allows your team to play to their strengths.


Identify Everyone’s “Why”

Every client has a different set of priorities and objectives, as does every member of your organization. If you identify everyone’s motivational factors, you can better customize your sales process.

A customized sales process breaks from a one-size-fits-all model and focuses on the individual circumstances that apply to each client. Once you understand each clients’ objectives, you can adjust your pitch to focus on what is most important to them. Our team is experienced in developing customized methodologies tailored to accomplish your organization’s goals.


Learn from Your Team

Whether you have a well-defined and successful sales process or are just developing one, continuously solicit, listen to and apply feedback from your service professionals. As your business continues to grow, so will your responsibilities. Frequently soliciting feedback from your team will allow you to stay agile and meet the shifting needs of your clients.

Sit down with some of your top performers and identify what makes them successful. Are there any techniques they’re currently using that are not in your sales process? Should they be? How are they currently addressing client needs?

By maintaining open communication, you can learn more about how your team operates best and how to best address client pain points. You may even decide to implement some of their steps into your company-wide process.

If you have questions about Outsourced Sales Management, we are here to help, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at For ¼ of the cost of an in-house sales manager, we create a proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to the core values of your organization.  

Sales ManagementJesse Mahle