Why You Need a Proven & Repeatable Sales Process

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A sales process is a set of repeatable steps that sales professionals use to convert a lead to a client. Many businesses use a sales process, but you may be asking, “Why does my business need one?”

While the idea of implementing a sales process may seem daunting, the benefits will greatly outweigh any initial costs or barriers. At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we believe a proven & repeatable sales process is a necessary component in empowering your employees, business, and ultimately, your clients. 


Empower With Metrics

As the author Peter Drucker once said, “What’s measured improves.” Sales is all about delivering results and one of the best ways to achieve results is consistency. Without a sales process, a business does not have a consistent method of measuring results. Each time a sale is made, different components can be measured. With a proven & repeatable sales process in place, you can measure and benchmark each step in the process. The combination of a proven & repeatable sales process and metrics provides a rich data set for measuring success. 

The ability to take measurements during and after the process makes your sales and revenue pipeline more predictable. With a more predictable pipeline, you can compare your position against your goals and determine if you are falling short, meeting the mark, or exceeding expectations. And according to Drucker, that pipeline can become reality when the appropriate metrics are in place.

Using a sales process can also help to identify areas for continuous improvement. If there are steps that continuously present challenges, the process can be tailored to mitigate those challenges. Without a sales process, these challenges might seem like one-off issues each time they occur and will take longer to identify as a recurring issue. 


Empower Your Employees

A proven & repeatable sales process will increase the comfort, confidence, and efficiency of your sales professionals. When new sales professionals join your team, the onboarding process will be more efficient than ever because your entire team is using the same process. Establishing a customized sales process enables more efficient onboarding of new service professionals, as well, to achieve proven & repeatable results.

Additionally, having an established, consistent process in place lets employees know exactly what is expected of them. This kind of clarity can encourage better results and performance of employees, which provides better results and performance for your clients. A sales process is necessary to empower your employees to be their best. 


Empower Your Clients 

When using a tried-and-true sales process, your business will demonstrate a high level of organization and clarity, which will help build trust and confidence with your clients. This will allow sales reps to guide their customer through each stage more seamlessly. A proven & repeatable process will boost client satisfaction and the overall experience, as well as improve outside perception of work quality. Using a consistent process allows customers to know what to expect and helps build rapport.  Through building rapport and trust, you can build firm prestige and empower your clients to grow their business. 

Additionally, implementing a sales process allows you to get to know your customer better and understand the nuances of their business. With a better understanding of their business, you can further customize your process in a way that will continue to boost client satisfaction, as well as improve sales results. 

To summarize, having a process in place empowers your business with metrics that will help make decisions, identify challenge areas, and measure success. Empowering your employees with consistent steps will enable them to be productive and impactful in their roles soon after onboarding. Lastly, a proven & repeatable sales process demonstrates firm prestige and empowers your clients to focus on the things that really matter, like growing their business.

If you have questions about Outsourced Sales Management, we are here to help. To schedule your free initial consultation, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at jesse@sebastianlaneconsulting.com. Our top priority is to provide value for your business, which is why we provide 30-day partnerships instead of binding contracts.

Sales ProcessJesse Mahle