Why Outsourcing Should Be a Part of Your 2022 Goals

The start of a new year is not only the perfect time to set goals, but to reflect on the previous 12 months to identify areas of success and improvement. This reflection time allows you to incorporate lessons learned into your objectives and methodologies moving forward. It also equips you with the knowledge needed to avoid past mistakes and continue to deliver on prior successes.

Many businesses begin a new year with strategy and goal-setting meetings, using the time to identify where they plan to invest their resources throughout the year. These meetings lay out a roadmap for the upcoming year and provide a direction for your organization. We encourage you to consider the benefits of outsourcing certain areas of your business to allow your organization’s leadership to focus more on the objectives you have set.

Which business areas can be outsourced?

In today’s business world, you can outsource nearly every aspect of your business. The real question lies, where do you need help? Or rather, what is currently on your plate that you could delegate, so you can focus on matters more worth your time? Most businesses choose to outsource their accounting, bookkeeping, IT services, marketing, and other areas that are not their expertise. At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we provide outsourced sales management services to help you regain independence through a proven & repeatable sales process.

Why should I consider outsourcing now?

Now that we have transitioned to mostly virtual or hybrid work environments, outsourcing has become easier than ever. You now have access to the best outsourced experts without having to worry about their location or ability to visit you in person. You can leverage expertise in nearly every function of your business from the comfort of your home office.

Moreover, The Great Resignation has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for business owners. Instead of struggling to hire and retain top talent, outsourcing can provide much-needed relief during this difficult time. Not to mention, outsourced consultants typically charge a fraction of the cost of an in-house employee.

Why should I outsource my sales management?

Outsourcing your sales management has several benefits. First and foremost, you gain a partner dedicated to helping you establish and accomplish organizational objectives, whether it be to increase revenue, identify inefficiencies, establish internal processes, or any other key initiatives.

At Sebastian Lane Consulting, we work closely with you to will develop a custom, proven & repeatable sales process that is tailored to your core values and organization—all for ¼ of the cost of an in-house sales manager. We combine our experience and proven methodologies with a deep understanding of your business to develop specific strategies for your organization’s goals. This tailored approach provides measurable results, including:

  • FREEDOM. We advise over your sales process, so you have more time to focus on what you do best—growing your business.

  • SUCCESSION VALUE. We develop the next generation of leaders for your business to improve succession value and ownership payout.

  • EMPLOYEE RETENTION. Our services increase your employees’ overall satisfaction in the workplace and will save money on recruitment by not having to replace quality professionals.

  • METHODOLOGY REINFORCEMENT. When you partner with us, we reinforce your leadership’s methodology and translate its value to each employee’s personal goals.

  • EFFICIENCY. We understand the importance of preserving billable hours, which is why most of our training is completed without interruption to daily operations.

  • CLIENT SATISFACTION. Our proven & repeatable process will boost the client experience and overall satisfaction and improve outside perception of work quality.

If you are interested in learning more about outsourced sales management and how your business may benefit, call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at jesse@sebastianlaneconsulting.com.