5 Ways to Set Your Sales Up for Success in 2024

The start of a new year provides opportunities for business owners to reassess their strategies from the past 12 months. That said, the changing of the calendar does not always necessitate a fresh start.

Keep sight of the goals that you have made in Q4 of 2023 as we enter Q1 2024. Take note of the loose ends from the year before pivoting completely into something new. Here are just a few actionable items you can take right now to set yourself on the right track for the new year without neglecting the lessons that can be gleaned from 2023.

1. Reflect on What Worked (And What Did Not Work) from Last Year

Take stock of how the past 12 months have transformed your business. Did you reach the yearly goals you set out for yourself in Q1 of last year? Are you in a stronger place than you were at the start of 2023? If so, how can you replicate the strategies that worked in the new year?

2023 was a year of significant economic and technological change. Consider the current state of your market and note how the changes from the past year have impacted your business. Have the needs of your clients changed as well from the start of 2023? Focus on the strategies that have worked in the past year, but remain flexible and be prepared to adapt to further changes in the coming months.

2. Make Sure the Right People are in the Right Seats

In the new year, make sure your team members are in positions where they feel the most confident and engaged. Lean into their existing strengths and provide them with new challenges and opportunities to grow their skill set.

Reach out to employees whose performance may have stagnated in recent months and discover how best to course correct. Make the process collaborative. Look for possible gaps in your firm’s organizational structure and determine if any existing employees may be better utilized in a different role.

Perhaps your hiring process needs a readjustment in the new year. Attract better talent and properly vet new candidates with more engaging interviews and performance-based assessments such as test sales calls.

3. Commit to Deeper Collaborations

If not already on the calendar, schedule a weekly or monthly check-in with your sales team to better understand their current capabilities. These meetings offer an opportunity to get a top-down view of what your team is working on, where they are showing signs of growth, and where they may be struggling to close.

Engage with the team and offer to help with prospects as needed, whether that be through making an introduction, or offering advice on how to close. Boost overall morale and keep the team motivated by celebrating big wins together as a team.

4. Invest in Your Team

What are the smartest investments you can make in your organization in 2024? Ensure that you are working with the right equipment, tools, and training programs that will best empower your team moving forward. Outmoded technologies and sales strategies may prevent your firm from developing a competitive edge within your industry in the new year.

Yet, new technology and equipment will only take you so far if your sales team is lagging. Ensure that your salespeople have access to all the tools and resources they require to start the year off on the right foot. Additionally, commit to implementing sales review calls whenever necessary to improve the performance of your sales team.

5. Continue to Focus on Benchmarking

Benchmarking your firm’s performance against your past quarters and your competitors should be an ongoing priority in the new year. These assessments can also help reveal how your firm is measuring up to industry standards in real-time and provide insights into areas of improvement.

Identify the KPIs most relevant to your business and do not be discouraged by the results if certain metrics are down from past quarters. Rather, consider that a change in leadership strategy may be necessary for your firm to reach its goals in the new year.

Conducting a sales assessment is one way to benchmark your team’s performance so that you have valuable data to look back on and compare to as you enter Q2. Reach out to our office to learn more about how a professional sales assessment, conducted by an objective third party, can set your sales team up for continued success in the new year.

Get in touch with our office today to discover how we can help you set your business up for success in 2024. Call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at jesse@sebastianlaneconsulting.com.

Sales ManagementJesse Mahle