6 Tips for Requesting Referrals From Your Clients

Your business growth is directly correlated to how willing you are to put yourself out there. Stellar marketing strategies and positive online reviews can only take you so far.

This is why requesting referrals from your top clients is a tried-and-true method for introducing your business to new people. Referrals help expand your network and develop new connections.

After all, who better to speak honestly about the quality of your services than those who have firsthand experience? And yet, many business owners struggle to take that first step. Asking a formal request of your clients may feel like a daunting task. But with the right tools and strategies in hand—such as those listed below—business owners can be better equipped to leverage their pre-existing relationships to uncover new opportunities.

1. First and Foremost, You Have to Ask

Simple enough, right? Organic referrals can occur out of the blue, particularly after a period of exemplary performance, but they are never guaranteed.

Reach out to your clients at a point where you feel most secure in your working relationship. Display that you value their opinion and that you believe that they can make a meaningful difference in growing your business.

Now before you hit send, go back and delete that generic template you planned on sending to multiple clients at once. Rather, personalize each request for a referral with references to your unique relationship and prior achievements. This personal touch will help remind your clients that value their time and effort, and that you hold their perspective in high esteem.

2. Be Strategic About Who You Ask

We recommend focusing primarily on referral requests from current and active clients who already know your capabilities and understand your value. Avoid requesting referrals from prospects until your relationship is better established.

Ask yourself, who are you most proud to work with? Which clients have you helped the most in the past year? In which areas are you currently excelling?

Prioritize the clients who have recently expressed satisfaction with your services. Leverage that positive feedback and be sure to adjust your tone and expectations accordingly to each client you contact.

3. Make it Easy For Them

Bear in mind that, when referring your services to other people in their network, your clients are sacrificing their time and energy to help build your business. Respect their efforts by making the process as simple as possible on your end.

For example, you can provide your clients with a pitch for your business/relevant materials they can forward to others. Additionally, consider providing your clients with a referral rewards program to incentivize their cooperation. This can include a deal for discounted services, gifts, and free promotional merchandise, if possible.

4. Periodically Follow Up

After sending requests for referrals, do not expect to hear back from your clients right away. Give your clients an appropriate amount of time to respond, but do not feel shy about reaching out if you feel your request has been ignored.

Be gentle and respectful with your follow-up messages. Most likely, the initial request simply fell through the cracks or fell victim to your client’s busy schedule. Otherwise, mentally prepare yourself for potential rejection and humbly thank the client for their candor regardless.

5. Give and You Shall Receive

The simplest way to ensure that your clients will provide referrals for your services? Do the same for them in return. Begin the cycle of reciprocity and provide your clients with the kind of referrals you would like to see for your own business.

That said, do not refer your clients to people in your network solely out of a sense of obligation. Only send referrals for the clients you are proud to work with and that you believe could provide meaningful value to friends and colleagues.

6. Most Importantly, Continue to Provide Exceptional Service

Put yourself in the position of someone who has not heard of your business. Do you want your client’s referrals to come across as though they are simply doing you a favor? Or would you rather these referrals highlight your unique skills and talents?

When you go above and beyond, your clients will take notice. The more value you can provide for your clients, the more they are likely to identify your greatest strengths and in turn, develop a pitch that fully captures the attention of their friends and colleagues.

Personal referrals play an important role in growing your business, too. When you deliver consistent and quality service, your prospective clients will take notice of everything you have to offer. In other words, be sure to always give your clients plenty of reason to act as your cheerleader.

Bonus tip – Always Thank your referral source!

Make sure that clients willing to speak highly of your business receive the appreciation they deserve. This small gesture strengthens your relationship with existing customers and creates a sense of collaborative inclusion in the growth and success of your business.

Get in touch with our office today to learn more about how Sebastian Lane’s fractional sales management services can help grow your business, build stronger client relationships, and capture more leads. Call Sebastian Lane Consulting at 443-534-6783 or email us at jesse@sebastianlaneconsulting.com.